(Source : keithrozario.com)
21th century, high-tech devices such
as I-pad, smartphones are one of the learning and necessary item to people as
well as kids. People only need to download Apps for e-book on their electronic
devices, some Apps are free of charge. Hence, e-book has slowly takeover printed
books. Amazon.com.Inc announced e-book sales had exceeded printed books sales
in U.S (The star online 2012).
(Source: the star online)
According to Lee Rainie, Kathryn Zickuhr, Kristen Purcell, Mary Madden and
Joanna Brenner (2012) found that e-readers of U.S had increased 4% within 2
months due to convenient and increased of e-book reading devices such as Amazon.com Inc’s Kindles and Barnes &
Noble Inc’s Nooks. Besides, e-book is easy to carry when travelling to
somewhere. Some readers read based on specific topics their interesting and
keeping the current events. Hence, e-readers could search the up-to-date eBooks
from varies online stores quickly and purchase or download it via internet is
cheaper compare to printed books.
(Source : The Malaysian Times)
How about Malaysia?
the share of E-readers in Malaysia is not as many as in U.S. One of the
problems is Malaysia does not supply e-reading devices such as Noble Inc’s
Nooks. Hence, Malaysian could not purchase e-books through online store
directly. In addition, e-book readers sell at MPH are more expensive compared
to Nooks (kyspeaks.com, 2010). Therefore, purchasing printed books would be
higher than e-books due to inconvenience to download e-reading Apps.
Reference List
The star online,
2012, ‘e-Book sales surpass printed
books’ viewed 5 November 2012,
Lee, R, Zickuhr,K, Purcell, K, Madden, M and Brenner
,J 2012, ‘The rise of e-reading’ viewed 5 November 2012,
Kyspeaks.com, 2010, ‘Barnes & Noble Nook ebook Reader in
Malaysia’ viewed 5 November 2012.
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